What is Counselling & Psychotherapy?

What is Counselling & Psychotherapy?

Counselling and Psychotherapy are conversations between you, the client, and Mark Giesbrecht, the therapist. It is a collaborative experience in which you tell me your problems and current life challenges and I listen to find practical and solvable solutions.

Sometimes your problems are fairly simple, and after a brief assessment, we make a plan, and you find the counselling interventions easy to implement. Sometimes we find that the challenge you are having is the result of early childhood trauma or underlying/undiagnosed mental health challenge or addiction that requires more in-depth psychotherapy to solve.

I do want you to know that although therapists are the experts on normal mental health and development, as well as how change occurs, clients are considered the experts on their problems and how they think and feel. I will never know you better than you know yourself. My job as your therapist is to help you better understand your choices and begin considering new possibilities.

If you need help contact Mark Giesbrecht today.